Cleaning the body at home: useful tips

07 June 2017, 10:23 | Health
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Now cleansing the body is a very prestigious topic and on this occasion does not reason only lazy. The reason for this is bad ecology, harmful food, wrong lifestyle, and so on..

Now, cleansing the body is a very prestigious topic, and only the lazy one does not talk about it. The reason for this is bad ecology, harmful food, wrong lifestyle, and so on.. Techniques and methods to purify the body of toxins are offered in large amounts. You can resort to the services of doctors, to test different at the biological level of active supplements. And you can try the most ordinary and available technique, what is cleaning the body at home.

To cleanse the body in domestic conditions has brought benefits, not harm, it is necessary to observe great care. The fact is that together with infidel and harmful microbes from the intestinal tract, it is possible to remove the beneficial ones, without which the organism will lose the ability to confront the diseases by using crude methods of purification, which are advertised by certain "mountain specialists", for example, for the rapid achievement of results. It must always be borne in mind that the rule about. That to break not build, in this situation as it is impossible pertinent, because the restoration of the disturbed microflora is very slow, and sometimes it is impossible to reach the previous state of the organism.

Cleaning the body of the house is the possibility of purification by natural methods. The main emphasis is on the correct metabolism. The first and well-known rule of metabolism restoration is rational nutrition, which includes lean meat, fish, a huge number of new fruits and vegetables, sprouted cereals and natural sweets, for example, honey. These products are simply digested, their excesses in time are removed from the body by the natural method.

The following recommendation to those who need to clean the body at home is the reception during the day more than 2-2.5 liters. Non-carbonated drinks, better than clean water. If you take the habit of drinking a glass of ordinary water 30 minutes before breakfast, then slag and toxic substances in your body will not be delayed.

Cleaning the body at home will have a greater effect if you calculate the number of calories your body needs during the day. In each case, this table will be personal, because the calculations depend on the degree of human activity. The more energy you spend, the more you need to replenish your own body with food, and vice versa.

Often, the cleaning of the body at home is misunderstood by people and the main technique they choose is cleansing enemas and create this function countless times. Here is the method for you to remain without the necessary microbes and to allow the development of flatulence, which is manifested in bloating and inflammation of the walls of the intestinal tract. If you do not want to get a recurring result, then the composition and number of enemas must be agreed with the doctor.

But there are many people's methods of cleansing the body, which are ordinary and useful. Cleaning the body at home is painless with rice. Extra fluid that leads to edema, and toxic metabolites are removed by only 3 spoons of boiled brown rice. Before taking rice for half an hour you need to drink water, and later 4 hours not to take any food.

Popular cleansing of the body at home by using apple cider vinegar. Microelements and organic acids of this product restore the correct metabolism, leaving no chance to poisons and toxins. Vinegar is accepted with tea and honey. For the first course, three meals a day, 1-2 teaspoons a day during the month.

If you set out to purify the body of toxins, do not resort to unverified methods. So you save your health, and save money and time..

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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