The juice of this vegetable will prevent the development of cancer

07 June 2017, 10:07 | Health
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A team of scientists from the United States and the United Kingdom conducted a series of studies, during which they revealed a new preventative against tumors. As it turned out, carrot juice can prevent the development of cancer.

Carrots have always been famous for their useful qualities, including improvement of visual acuity, purification of the liver from toxins and strengthening of the immune system. However, experts from the University of Arizona in Tucson managed to discover the innovative property of this vegetable, which includes a substance called carotenoid, which can protect the body from harmful cancer cells.

As part of the experiment, women with breast cancer were ordered to drink a cup of freshly squeezed carrot juice per day. They used a healthy drink for three weeks, after which the body accumulated enough to protect against the development of cancer, the amount of carotenoids.

Specialists recommend adding a glass of carrot juice to the daily ration, so a person can protect themselves from the development of cancer of the prostate, bladder, breast and colon.

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