4 reasons to drink warm water instead of cold

07 June 2017, 10:00 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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A lot has been said about the benefits of water, but very few people knew that warm water is much more useful than cold water. Experts named four main reasons why warm water should be preferred.

Warm water has healing properties that positively affect the entire body. The digestive tract digests, digests and digests food better when a person consumes warm water in sufficient quantities. The cold liquid in this case acts on the contrary, that is, the processes slow down, and also the fats harden.

With regard to the respiratory system, the action of warm water helps to get rid of the unpleasant sensation of dryness in the oral cavity, as well as to soften the ligaments. Cold water provokes the accumulation of mucus, as well as sore throat. The circulatory system responds positively to warm water. The body improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels. As for the nervous system, warm water removes spasms and pain in the head, while cold water contributes to the development of headaches.

Svopi. En.


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