Danish scientists advise eating cheese

07 June 2017, 09:23 | Health
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Researchers from Copenhagen University prepared almost two dozen reports on the healing properties of this product.

Everyone knows that the cheese contains calcium, so it helps to grow hair and nails, helps to strengthen bones and teeth, but contains a lot of fat, so it is believed that it increases cholesterol and can cause obesity.

A group of researchers from the University of Copenhagen, led by Tanya Congerslev Torning advises eating cheese often and not being afraid for one's health. On the contrary, Danish scientists assure that this sour-milk product has simply magical healing properties.

For example, it positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, is able to break down cholesterol and fight diabetes, even slows the growth of cancer cells. All this is due to the fact that the cheese is rich in minerals, vitamins and substances useful for human health.

The results of their research Danish scientists presented in 18 scientific reports.

Source: Public Radio of Armenia.


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