Medications for the treatment of heart disease can relieve negative memories

07 June 2017, 06:07 | Health
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Scientists believe that the usual medications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases can save bad memories, obtained as a result of strong emotional upheavals, the Air Force.

Dutch researchers conducted an experiment in which 60 volunteers participated. The participants were divided into two groups, and then, showing the spiders and acting with a small discharge of current in the wrist area, caused thus negative emotions. One group of participants received drugs for the treatment of heart disease, and another - a placebo.

After a while the participants of the experiment were examined for negative memories. It turned out that participants from the group taking medications coped better with negative memories. This means that this method of treatment can be used to treat phobias and anxiety caused by psychological trauma, experts hope. However, it is necessary to study all possible consequences of such treatment, so as not to harm the body, experts stressed..

Medicinform. Net.


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