Which company is better to buy diapers for adults

07 June 2017, 02:46 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Many patients have urinary incontinence. Pampers for adults are disposable underwear, which guarantees a quick solution to this problem. Diapers in the form of panties perfectly "lock" moisture inside, keeping dryness and convenience for 4-8 hours. Tena diapers are very popular today, they can be purchased without problems.

The positive aspects of diapers from this brand are:.

- the highest degree of liquid absorption;.

- reliability from leaks, thanks to the provided side edges;.

- the film layer on the outside of the diaper guarantees additional protection against contamination;.

- an indicator of moisture saturation.

Comfort at night will provide diapers for adults TENA Slip Super, which are distinguished by increased absorbency. The double absorbent layer immediately absorbs and perfectly retains the liquid.

Why diapers are necessary for adults Diapers for adults are sometimes not so easy to find on sale. This is a very specific product. In fact, this special disposable undergarment that will help to solve a serious incontinence problem. This is a modern solution that will greatly facilitate the care of bedridden patients. They easily retain it and allow it to remain dry for several hours.

Adult diapers give real convenience for 6-8 hours. The duration of "work" mainly depends on the type and their characteristics. The company Tena produces today such models that do not rub at all. Such models are always presented in a wide range.

How to choose the right diapers for adults Before ordering diapers for adults, you should choose:.

Size of diapers - it is necessary to measure the circumference of the body along the protruding points of the abdomen and the girth of the widest part of the thighs.

Absorption level - affects the volume of the diaper; Models, can absorb the greatest amount of moisture, are ideal for bed patients, they are used as night diapers.

Using diapers for adults The way to use diapers for adults is quite simple.

They are easily superimposed in the perineal region and fixed with sticky fasteners. Will not be generally visible under clothing, if it does not fit too well to the body. After application, they are easily removed and thrown into the garbage container.

An important aspect can be called the presence of special internal flanges, which prevent the full flow. An additional advantage is a special indicator that alerts you to the need to replace the diaper with a new one.


Based on materials: my-lavka.com.ua

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