How to clean the intestines and not harm the body

07 June 2017, 01:17 | Health
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The best way is to entrust the intestinal tract to the doctors. After all, they know how to clean the intestinal tract and at the same time to maintain health.

Scientists have established that the cleansing of the body should begin with the intestinal tract. Why specifically from him? The fact is that the intestinal tract is the main highway through which substances enter the body. The food we eat goes a long way, because the length of the intestinal tract is about 3 meters. In the process of this "journey" of useful substances are sucked out of food, and the unwanted ones are excreted in the form of feces. There is a question from what and how correctly to clean an intestinal tract? The answer is quite simple and understandable - in the intestinal tract accumulate unwanted ballast substances, so-called slags. Even in the body of a thin person, up to 20 kg of slag can accumulate, which are difficult to remove by a natural method. The problem becomes more serious, since this dirt does not just lie, but also decomposes, thereby poisoning the human body.

When and how to clean the intestinal tract from toxins Signs of purification of the intestinal tract are: frequent constipation, diarrhea, stale breathing, helplessness. It is ideal to seek help from professional doctors, they will carry out special procedures for purification. In general, your intestinal tract will be rinsed with water. The advantage is that the medic constantly keeps the washing process under control. This procedure is quite effective and painless, the walls of the thick intestinal tract are cleared, and with this the microflora is not disturbed. In addition, the procedure for introducing bifidobacteria into the intestinal tract. After this procedure, the intestinal tract becomes more multifunctional - the absorption increases due to the hydromassage of the walls of the intestinal tract, during which the villi are cleaned of unwanted feces. Usually, after cleansing, the body weight is reduced by a few kilograms, and the well-being and digestion improve significantly.

How to clean the intestinal tract at home. At home, the intestinal tract can be cleared with an enema. But for this you need to be very discerning, because without the help of others it's rather difficult to put an enema. To clean the intestinal tract with an enema, you will need the Esmarch capacity, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Be sure to boil the tip before insertion for insertion into the anus. It is necessary to use only pure water, better boiled. A very important point is the water temperature: it should be a little above the room temperature. In an unpleasant case, there is a risk of burning the walls of the intestinal tract, or the absorption of water, t. Ineffective purification. There is a successful method, how to clean the intestinal tract with enema. It is necessary to take a pose on all fours and at the same time to lower your head downwards. The tip is inserted neatly into the anus approximately 5-6 cm. After this, the tap is opened, and the water from the Esmarch vessel starts to enter the body.

It is necessary to try, that the head remained in the lowered state, and the whole volume of water entered the intestinal tract. Then you need to remove the tip and hold water in yourself for 5-10 minutes. You can also use a solution of water and 0. 5 tablespoons baby soap. This will make the water enema more effective. With constipation, you can make an oily enema. To do this, enter 50-100 ml of vegetable oil heated to + 37 ° C, using a special syringe with a rubber tip.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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