Macrobiotic Diet: The Basis of a Healthy Nutrition for Women

07 June 2017, 01:17 | Health
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From the currently available proper nutrition regimens, the best is the macrobiotic diet ("bio" - life and "macro" - large). We will examine more carefully its main principles, rules and try to compose its own diet.

From the currently available proper nutrition regimens, the best is the macrobiotic diet ("bio" - life and "macro" - large).

Its main principle is that you need to eat only foods that are appropriate for the area on which you are located.

The second principle is naturalness. Use only natural, not modified or processed products (canned corn, canned vegetables, pickled products).

The third principle is that it is necessary to keep in mind about your own personal characteristics and taste preferences.

A macrobiotic diet is basically a lifestyle, the goal of which is to find harmony with nature. Therefore, follow the following rules:.

Products must be only natural. It is recommended to receive them from a reliable trader, or to grow on your personal plot.

When choosing the goods, you should definitely study their composition. It should not have flavor enhancers, chemical dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives.

It is necessary to exclude semi-finished products from consumption. Cooking is recommended for one meal.

Excluded the use of a huge amount of water. Drink follows a little sip to just take off your thirst.

It's unquestionably painstakingly to chew food, since the process of digestion begins already in the mouth. In this case, the feeling of satiation will come much faster, all nutrients will be able to assimilate, and the metabolism will soon return to normal.

The use of salt is recommended to limit. Add to the food you can only sea, but not stone.

Therefore, one can not say that macrobiotic is a lean diet. Most likely, it is a set of rules and principles for every day, which is recommended to do by all means. Therefore, it will be very easy to make a diet.

One of the main ingredients should be vegetables and fruits, in other words what grows in the area where we live. Choose only the "seasonal option". For our strip it can be a pumpkin, apples, carrots, pears, plums, colored or white cabbage and t. But the macrobiotic diet categorically prohibits the use of potatoes, beets, tomatoes and even zucchini. Cooking vegetables should only be steamed, using the least heat treatment. It is forbidden to eat tropical fruits (pineapple, kiwi, bananas, oranges). But here is a watermelon and melon is necessary in summer, by all means.

The second main component of this diet is cereals and cereals. It is necessary to choose only whole grains: oats, rye, buckwheat, brown rice. They can be put in soups, stew or cook unsweetened and non-dairy porridges. Bread must be eaten only with coarse grinding.

Macrobiotic Diet - Vegetarian. Therefore, the use of meat and milk products is prohibited.. The fact is that such semi-finished products contain medicines, preservatives, dyes and hormones that "crammed" cattle. Therefore, only the addition of a small amount of seafood.

Since the studies justified that they are better absorbed by the body and do not contain harmful substances. But it will be necessary to exclude fatty fish (salmon, trout, salmon, carp).

When making dishes, do not add fragrant consistency. Choose only the freshest greens and roots (parsley, dill, green onion, horseradish).

Macrobiotic diet prohibits the use of chocolate, sweets, honey, sugar. For dessert, it is recommended to eat dried fruits, nuts or pumpkin seeds (but you can eat a little and not every day).

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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