Extract of mushroom, widely used in Asian cuisine, can stop the growth of prostate cancer

01 June 2017, 17:43 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Extract of mushroom, widely used in Asian cuisine, can stop the growth of prostate cancer, say researchers from Australia, according to an online edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. Net The composition, called polysaccharopeptide (PSP), extracted from the Turkish "caudate" fungus (tracular multicolored), as scientists have established, kills prostate cancer cells and prevents the formation of a malignant tumor. Such data were given by the first experiments conducted in mice.

According to the scientist Patrick Ling, the usual treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, is aimed at the destruction of some cancer cells, but not on stem cells.

However, it is the stem cells that "trigger the mechanism" of cancer development and cause the progression of the disease, says Dr. Ling of the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Center located in Queensland.

"The stem cell of cancer is believed to be one of the main reasons why a number of medications do not work," he adds..

"If we find a type of treatment that will target cancer stem cells, then it should generally be effective. We found that the extract from tram is very effective in terms of the effect of stem cells of cancer ".

In a series of experiments involving nearly 20 mice carrying the prostate cancer gene, the scientists fed half of them PSP for 20 weeks, and the second part of the mice was not given this drug.

In all the experimental animals that ate the extract, the cancer did not develop, the control group experienced the development of this disease.

"Our data confirm that PSP can become a powerful preventive against prostate cancer," notes Dr. Ling.

The fungus trawl of various colors has been used in the Asian kitchen since time immemorial to prepare soups that strengthen health, however, according to Dr. Ling, there has been no research so far that suggests that simple eating of this fungus can have the same effect as using a hood.

News. Gradusnik. En.


Based on materials: pannochka.net

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