How much is medical insurance for employees

01 June 2017, 17:29 | Health
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Now many companies are trying to attract the most valuable employees, and for this they use a variety of methods. It's no secret that it is much more profitable for office employees to get an official job on a full social package, which includes medical insurance. And the better the employee works, the more useful it is for the company and the more profit it brings.

So the medical insurance for employees is already an obligatory part of the employment contract. Although it is considered voluntary, but everyone is interested in it. As there is a practice of dependence of the price of the policy and a post (that is quite logical).

At the same time, if a low-ranking employee has distinguished himself, it makes sense to purchase a more expensive insurance policy for him, thus encouraging a person to work even better. In addition, medical insurance reduces turnover and makes the team more cohesive.

Also a good company will not skimp on trips to sanatoria and resorts. This raises her rating in the eyes of employees and other people. Thus, it is possible to attract additional staff (if necessary) and retain valuable employees, even if competitors offer high wages. After all, the care of the company will be highly appreciated.

Also it is necessary to conduct regular medical examinations. This is not only an external concern for their employees, but also a way to identify in time various diseases, especially professional. If you cure them on time, you will not lose valuable personnel.

Of course, this service is at the expense of the company, but it is much more profitable to purchase an insurance policy - in which case the employer will not have to give part of the profits in order to provide the necessary medical assistance to the staff.

By the way, about what not everyone knows - the company that has issued insurance for its employees receives a variety of benefits from the state. So this is an additional (if not the main) benefit for the employer.


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