Researchers have proven the safety of handshakes

01 June 2017, 17:23 | Health
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It is commonly believed that when shaking hands it is easy to "move" a host of microorganisms, but scientists believe that there is no reason for panic at all.

Students and teachers are not far off the period of completion of studies and graduation, and such events are always accompanied by numerous handshakes with different people.

In a study involving 5,209 graduate students from Meryland, it was found that 93% of the microorganisms found in the hands of the test subjects are safe, and the risk of contracting a disease when shaking hands is extremely low, especially for those who regularly wash their hands with soap.

The results of the study will be published in June in the next issue of the Journal of School Nursing (Journal of School Nursing).

News. Gradusnik. En.


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