Unemployed people are sick twice as long as job-seekers

01 June 2017, 16:41 | Health
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Unemployed patients suffer on average twice as long as working people, say German researchers.

According to a recent study, the unemployed in Germany are sick longer than those who have a job. The findings were made on the basis of the data of the TKK health insurance fund for 2008. According to experts, the cause is most likely the stress and psychological burden associated with unemployment.

According to the TKK, in 2008, the duration of one hospital for the unemployed averaged 20.6 days, while those working - from 10.3 days (men) to 12.6 days (women). Of the citizens who have a job, the subsidiary workers (18.9 days).

They were followed by builders of woodworking industry workers (18.5 days), metallurgists (17.6 days) and warehouse workers (17.0 days). Gardeners (8.4 days) and administrative employees (9 days) were the least affected for a long time, researchers.

Frequent diseases of the unemployed are not accidental. Unemployment, according to the authors of the study, is associated with severe mental stress, which also has a negative impact on physical health.

Medicinform. Net.

Based on materials: medicinform.net

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