Boys are more vulnerable in the womb and during labor than girls

01 June 2017, 16:05 | Health
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Boys are at greater risk than girls in the womb before they are born and born, according to pediatricians from the University of Tel Aviv.

Physicians analyzed 66 thousand. Childbirth, which resulted in the finding that while girls have a high risk of limiting growth in the mother's womb, the risk associated with the birth of a boy is much greater. As gynecologists say, the gestation of the male fetus during pregnancy usually passes heavier, contributing to the risk of premature birth and caesarean section due to excessive growth of the embryo in the uterus.

Boys do not belong to the category of special high risk during childbirth, however, doctors emphasize, in general the male gender is more predisposed to the development of various negative consequences, not only being in the stomach of the mother, but also throughout the subsequent life: as is known, the duration Life in men is shorter than that of women, the male organism is more susceptible to infections and to a lesser extent copes with complex diseases. Experts also noted that boys have a high risk of complications in the neonatal period after childbirth.

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