Heating the kidneys, you can get rid of heart problems

01 June 2017, 13:11 | Health
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Heating the kidneys, you can get rid of heart problems. This conclusion was made by physicians from King's College in London. They are going to use this technology in patients with heart failure, in order to reduce the severity of symptoms, writes The Daily Mail.

Previously, a similar approach was used to treat high blood pressure. It involves the disconnection of nerves that transmit signals from the kidneys to the brain. Apparently, in diseased people, the kidneys mistakenly say to the brain, include an "emergency regimen" in the body, which leads to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. This provokes an increase in the burden on the heart and the development of symptoms such as dyspnoea and fatigue. The theory underlying the approach, says: removing some neural signals passing between the brain and the kidneys, you can cope with the symptoms.

Heart failure itself can be triggered by high blood pressure or a heart attack, leading to a weakened heart, which is now unable to pump enough blood. On the one hand, the best way of rehabilitation is training. But shortness of breath does not allow patients to engage in regular activities, which threatens to worsen the condition. Modern methods of treatment presuppose a medicamentous effect on the heart by lowering the concentration of substances like adrenaline, increasing the heart rate. However, this does not always work, yes, and a number of side effects are possible.

Doctors believe that these substances are released, because the body switched to the "emergency" and works in such a way as if he was injured and loses blood.

Dr. Darrell Francis, a cardiologist from a group of scientists who tested the new method, states: "Adrenaline helps the body to conserve blood and leads to the fact that blood is more actively flowing to the main organs. However, with heart failure, this system does not work. That is, it is like an alarm system designed to alert you of the danger of hijacking a car, but which constantly works, extremely annoying ".

Studies of animals have shown: it is the kidneys that signal the body to move into this mode of operation. They work like a sensor, measuring the level of blood and water, and incorrectly perceive a reduced blood circulation due to heart failure. For them, it becomes a marker of blood loss.

During the new test, the electrical probe is supposed to be inserted into one artery located next to the kidneys, through the artery in the inguinal region. Nerves, transmitting signals from the kidneys to the brain, were found precisely in it.

When the probe is inserted, it begins to emit radio-frequency waves, heating the area by approximately 20 degrees. A rise in temperature turns off the nerves, so they lose the ability to transmit signals to the brain. During the procedure, the patient is conscious of local anesthesia.

It is known that 12 patients should take part in the testing of technology. Already the first patient was tried to cure with a new approach. In the next six months, doctors will monitor his condition.

News. Gradusnik. En.

Based on materials: news.gradusnik.ru

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