Scientists talked about the benefits of women with large buttocks and wide hips

01 June 2017, 11:22 | Health
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To the sensational conclusion scientists came after a large-scale experiment - they argue that women with a wide pelvis and large buttocks are the healthiest and smartest.

This was announced by specialists from Oxford University. To test their theory of high intelligence and good health in women with large forms, they invited to participate in the experiment, about 16 thousand women with different types of figures. The level of cholesterol in women with lush forms is much lower, and their hormones, which are responsible for the processing of sugar, function much better. Specialists observed 16 thousand women and found that wide hips affect the birth of smarter children. This, in particular, affects a considerable amount of Omega-3 fats.

They accumulate in the buttocks and help with the development of the brain. In addition, the researchers found that in the body of women with large thighs, dinopectin and leptin hormones are present in huge quantities, and they help regulate the work of the stomach, "follow" the weight of women, save blood vessels from diseases. In addition, the fat layer on the hips and abdomen protects the heart from dangerous diseases.

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