Researchers have named dangerous products for women

01 June 2017, 01:35 | Health
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Researchers at Harvard University found a curious relationship between diet and mental health in women. They found that the love of certain products makes the fairer sex more prone to depressive conditions.

Scientists from Harvard argue: the passion for food with a high content of rapidly digested carbohydrates affects not only the physical form of women, but also their mood. "The more a woman eats semi-finished products, pasta and bakery products, the higher her inclination to depressive states," they said, in particular.

Researchers for 10 years have observed and analyzed the diet of several hundred volunteer project participants. They were convinced that women, whose diet included fish, fruits and vegetables, sour milk products, nuts and olive oil, had much more positive indicators of their mental state.

Those who often ate dishes from dough and meat, and also used ready-made snacks in the form of chips and crackers, were often more likely to suffer from depression.

Even earlier, representatives of science expressed that women are more susceptible to the development of depressive states due to the lability of the hormonal system. The non-natural components contained in the above products, further weaken the nervous system in women, doctors warned.

Source: MedikForum.


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