American researchers have proposed a new cure for constipation

01 June 2017, 01:32 | Health
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In the US, constipation suffers more than 30 million. People, therefore a year spent more than $ 1 billion. On the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Although constipation does not pose a threat to life, its symptoms - pain, straining, bloating and discomfort - cause many inconveniences.

To alleviate the suffering of patients in the Mayo Clinic, a new drug has been investigated, the effect of which activates natural processes in the human body.

The drug, which is called A3309, regulates the level of bile acid and controls the process of its recycling in the body. The bile produced by the liver enters the digestive system, participates in the cleavage of edible fats, and has a natural relaxing effect. It softens the stool and speeds up its passage through the large intestine. In the process of digestion, most of the bile acid is absorbed by the blood flow in the small intestine. Thus, a lack of acid is formed in the large intestine, and bowel evacuation is complicated. A3309 inhibits the absorption of bile acid by the small intestine, leaving a larger amount of acid that facilitates defecation.

As the lead author of the study at the Mayo Clinic, MD Michael Camilleri, the new drug stimulates the production of liver natural substances, which, entering the large intestine, cause a laxative effect.

The second phase was conducted at the Mayo Clinic for two weeks and showed encouraging results. Patients who took A3309 reported a reduction in straining during defecation compared to patients in the control group. The first group also had a softening of the stool in comparison with the control group. During the experiment, the main reported side effect was pain and discomfort in the abdomen. According to one of the researchers, these symptoms were mainly observed before defecation, and after it usually disappeared.

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