Cumin saves from atherosclerosis and inflammation

01 June 2017, 01:30 | Health
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American scientists from the Central Technological Research Institute conducted a number of studies and found out: cumin is able to fight microbes, helps to cope with high temperature, pain and has a high concentration of antioxidants.

It's no secret that oxygen forms, known as free radicals, provoke oxidative stress.

This leads to a violation of the normal course of a number of processes, the development of atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation in the body, cancer and premature aging. In turn, antioxidants can reduce the degree of oxidative stress.

In the course of the analysis, experts found a large content of useful phenolic compounds - antioxidants in cummin and its ability to fully protect against DNA damage. Also in non-traditional medicine, bitter cumin is used to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as an expectorant, diuretic, healing and tonic.

News. Gradusnik. En.


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