Cossack diet: tips

16 May 2017, 10:22 | Health
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Cossacks have always been remarkable for their remarkable strength, health and valor. And their energy was drawn from the kazan. An uncomplicated, but at the same time healthy food, gave strength to the Cossacks in their battles. What kind of dishes were they and what are their benefits?.

"Bread and water are Cossack food," says the proverb. However, the Cossacks "sat" far from bread and water. Although they had a simple meal. Ethnographer of the Institute of Arts, Folklore and Ethnology. Rylsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lidia POPOVICH, the Cossack diet consisted of simple products, which, in the first place, it was convenient to use in campaigns, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. Net Popular, for example, enjoyed cereals, flour, rusks. The dishes themselves were distinguished by the simplicity of cooking - after all, the Cossacks, like men, gave more time to military affairs than to the kitchen. Therefore, they, alas, did not sour vegetables and fruits. Instead, salt meat and fish. And dairy products processed for cheese and butter. Actually, such an uncomplicated diet also gave valiant Cossacks strength and energy in the battles.

And the Cossacks strictly adhered to Christian posts and 189 days a year did not eat food of animal origin.

Cossacks ate 3 times a day and always cooked hot dishes. Among the specialties were kulish, coriander-zagreby, straw (more vigorous sauerkraut), aunt (soup made from wheat flour), turkey (scraped in breadcrumbs, brewed with kvass and flavored with oil and salt), shred (fish soup), and hominy. And among the most loved were vareniki, kulish and potaptsi, which, as it turned out, not only tasty, but also very useful. Than, the nutritionist Svetlana FUS.


Cossack vareniki differed from the current ones: they were the size of a fist and with a wide variety of fillings (potatoes, meat, buckwheat and t.

The use of vareniki - in a successful combination of amino acids (proteins), which are contained in the test and filling. Proteins, as you know, are necessary for the body to "build" - muscles, bones, organs, hair and nails.

And the dough itself, which is prepared for dumplings, is not as heavy for the stomach as, for example, yeast.


A real Cossack kulish is a modest dish. There are only three ingredients in it: millet, water and. Turban. Why is it a turban? Yes, because it was stored for a long time - here the Cossacks kept it and stored it.

Millet is rich in vitamins of group B, PP, potassium.

A millet porridge has the ability to remove toxins from the body and normalize the pressure.

Taranka, like other fish - a source of protein. But thanks to salt, dry fish keeps all its useful properties.

Potaptsi - another Cossack dish. This is soaked rye crumbs with sunflower oil, onions, garlic, water and salt.

Potapcy is a lean, hearty dish, rich in B vitamins and vegetable fats. Quite the same energy food. In addition, in such a combination, these products can save from vitamin deficiency.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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