6 changes that will occur to you in refusing alcohol

11 May 2017, 00:57 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Even if you do not abuse strong drinks and follow the recommended norms of alcohol consumption, listen to yourself: your body already accurately signals that something needs to be changed.

If you eat right, go to bed on time and even avoid stress at work, but still feel fatigue and malaise, face swollen in the morning, dry skin, and terribly hungry and thirsty, think: maybe it's not A lack of some vitamins or overwork, but only a few extra alcoholic cocktails, without which you have not had an evening before for a long time.

Some people can not imagine life without strong drinks, while others easily limit themselves to a couple of glasses of wine on holidays. We tell why the first is best to limit ourselves as much as possible in the consumption of alcohol, and the second - and completely abandon it once and for all.

Clean skin All alcoholic beverages lead to a strong dehydration of the body. The fact that the liver quickly recognizes the poison and recycles alcohol, and the kidneys in turn begin to actively remove from the body the decay products. Of course, all this strongly affects the skin, which becomes dry, flabby and lost its tone.

Refuse alcohol at all - and you will see the result in a few days: the skin will become clean, it will look radiant and moisturized. Plus to all this: the face will no longer be painfully swollen, and bags under the eyes will disappear.

Progress in training Alcohol destructively affects the muscles, prevents their growth and, as a consequence, prevents us from moving forward in our training process. Alcoholic drinks not only do not allow us to develop, but also inhibit the process of recovery of the body after debilitating occupations.

Excluding alcohol from your diet, you will feel better, recover faster, and the long-awaited progress in the form of growth of muscle mass and burning fat tissue will not keep you waiting.

The arrow on the scales will crawl down American experts do not get tired to emphasize that alcohol plays an important role in the accumulation of extra kilograms. It slows down our metabolism, contains a lot of calories, which we always forget to count, and even terribly increases appetite.

After a week without spirits, you will happily note that your metabolism has come to order, and the excess water that used to keep the alcohol out of the body and the arrow on the scales has moved from a dead center to a couple of kilograms in your favor.

Free time and money saved Have you ever tried to calculate how much money a month or a year you spend on alcohol? The total amount would strike you so much that you would definitely decide to end this harmful habit forever. And how many delightful outfits you could buy for this money.

Having said alcohol "no", you will see how much free time has appeared in your life. Especially it concerns the time that you spent before, tortured in the worst hangover all first half of the day, or even the whole day.

Psychological, physical, emotional stability The effect of alcohol in something similar to the action of sugar on our body. By receiving the desired "dose", we feel satisfaction and a surge of energy, and not having received it, we feel a sharp decline in strength. Such chemical races ultimately cause us a strong dependence, we are harder coping with stress, suffering from headache and even depression, and sleep becomes disturbed, unhealthy: all this is indicated by the latest research in this field. We are overworked without even starting to work.

People who refused to drink, quickly fall asleep, sleep soundly, healthy, completely restore the strength of the body, it is easier to wake up.

No overeating Alcohol - the strongest aperitif: according to research, it strengthens our feelings, thereby making us respond more sharply to fragrant dishes and encouraging more to eat. After one addiction comes a new - food, the consequences of which can severely even compete with alcohol: it's overweight, and diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and liver disease.

The list can go on for a very long time.

By removing alcohol from your main menu, you will not only reduce the consumption of unnecessary calories, but you will not eat too much, getting rid of the importunate phony feeling of hunger. Thoughts about harmful snacks will eventually go away permanently, and you, without noticing yourself, will begin to give preference to useful, nutritious food and a healthy diet as a whole.

Healthinfo. Ua.


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