Living in a big city, a woman increases by one third the risk of premature birth

11 May 2017, 00:46 | Health
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Pregnant women should, if possible, go out of town, as in large cities it is not safe. Scientists from the University of California have established: living in a large city, a woman increases by one third the risk of premature birth due to the impact of environmental pollution, writes The Daily Mail.

Analyzing the statistics of births and comparing it with the measurements of pollutants, they established: the greatest harm is caused by exhaust gases, more precisely, chemical compounds - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (a by-product of gasoline). It is because of them that the risk rises by 30%.

Emissions from industrial facilities often contain ammonium nitrate, which increases the risk by 21%, benzene and diesel pairs - by 10%, according to the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years Pannochka. Net The researchers found that the highest concentrations of pollutants reach winter and summer. If the city is located near the sea or the ocean, the situation is somewhat more favorable.

Commented the research leader Dr. Beata Ritz: "Air pollution can lead to a child born with low birth weight or earlier. It was already known. We also found out which emissions affect the risk of a premature baby ".

News. Gradusnik. En.


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