Diet that increases the body's defenses

02 May 2017, 00:14 | Health
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This diet is recommended in the period of recovery, after a severe illness, with exhaustion, anemia, as well as with pulmonary tuberculosis.

The goal: to improve the nutritional status of the body, to normalize its nutritional status, to increase the body's defenses, including its immune status, to strengthen the recovery processes in the affected organ.

General characteristics: a diet of increased energy value with a predominant increase in the content of proteins, vitamins, minerals (calcium, iron, etc.. ), A moderate increase in the quality of fats and carbohydrates.

Mode of nutrition: 5-6 times a day.

Recommended and excluded products and dishes Bread and flour products. Bread wheaten and rye from a flour of a milling - thin and rough; Various flour products: patties, biscuits, biscuits, buns.

Soups any.

Meat, poultry, fish. Different types of meat, poultry, fish, except for very fatty, in any cooking treatment; Liver, meat products (sausages, ham, sausages), fish products (herring, balyk, caviar, canned goods - sprats, sardines, etc.. ); Non-seafood.

Dairy products in full assortment with possible inclusion of cottage cheese and cheese.

Eggs in different preparation.

Fats. Creamy, vegetable oils, soft (bulk) margarine - in kind, ghee - for cooking, mayonnaise.

Cereals are different, but especially buckwheat and oatmeal, pasta. Beans, well boiled in the form of puree.

Vegetables, fruits, berries in any cooking, but part necessarily raw.

Various appetizers, especially deciduous and vegetable salads.

Sweet dishes, sweets. Various sweet dishes and products are allowed, honey.

Sauces: meat, red, mushroom, sour cream, milky-egg and others.

Spices and condiments in a moderate amount, but in a wide range, as well as horseradish, mustard, ketchup and other.

Beverages. Tea, coffee, natural, black and with milk, cocoa, fruit juices, berries and vegetables (preferably freshly squeezed), rose hips.

Exclude a very fatty meat and poultry, sheep, beef and cooking fats, hard margarines, hot and fatty sauces, cakes and cakes with lots of cream.

Sample menu First breakfast:

salad with fresh cabbage with apples and sour cream, scrambled eggs with grated cheese, oatmeal porridge, tea.

Second breakfast: a sandwich with cheese, tomato juice.

Lunch: borscht on meat broth with sour cream, chicken fried with boiled rice, compote.

Snack: biscuits, fruit juice or broth of wild rose.

Dinner: zrazy meat stuffed with onion and egg, carrot puree, casserole from buckwheat groats with cottage cheese, tea.

At night: kefir or other sour-milk drinks.

Health. Sumy. Ua.

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