Inhaled corticosteroids: a risk factor for cataract formation

26 April 2017, 03:59 | Health
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It is established that not only systemic, but also inhalation use of corticosteroids serves as a risk factor for the formation of cataracts. It is well known that the systemic use of corticosteroid drugs can contribute to the formation of cataracts, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. Net The widespread use of inhaled corticosteroids makes one think about their effect on cataractogenesis. Smeeth et al.. Report on a controlled population study, in which more than 15 thousand.

Patients with cataract and 15 thousand. Person in control. Groups matched each other by age and sex.

The results of the study showed that high doses of inhaled corticosteroids, applied for a long time, lead to an increased risk of cataract formation. The authors emphasize that in patients, for example, with bronchial asthma, the risk of cataracts is increased by 50%, and this increase is due precisely to the effects of inhaled and / or systemic corticosteroids.

Medicus. En.

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