The fourth month of pregnancy is the best time

26 April 2017, 01:51 | Health
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How does mom feel?.

As soon as this period begins, the uterus begins to grow in the abdominal cavity. The fetus requires sufficient nutrition, so to help the placenta increases circulation and blood volume. Growth reaches 40%, because of which the work of the heart increases. If the mother is all right with the health of the heart, then she is unlikely to notice unnecessary strain. Mom will feel a pleasant weight, as if 4 weeks of pregnancy returned to her life again.

During this period, there are some changes in the skin and hair. Freckles begin to darken, and on the skin appear hyperpigmentation spots. This is due to another spike in hormones - a special pigment substance is deposited, which is called melanin. A few days after the birth, they will be held. To avoid these troubles, it is recommended to use sunscreen. The spots can be clarified, it is enough to use a whitening mask. The mammary glands continue to increase.

Due to the large volume of fluid, there will begin profuse sweating and vaginal discharge. Do not worry about them, just use additional hygiene procedures. Most small vessels are unable to withstand such a load, why the nose can go blood.

Development of the fetus.

The placenta allows you to perform its basic function - at the end of 4 months the baby will have everything you need. Now comes a quiet period for moms. The placenta during this period not only sends the baby air and food from the mother, but also removes harmful substances, waste products of crumbs, provides protection from harmful bacteria and other viruses.

The child already has a swallowing and sucking reflex. The kid can bend his hands in the elbows and wrists, squeeze his fingers into the cam. Now he is able to swim and suck a finger. The fetus begins to move in the placenta at a higher rate, but future mothers will not be able to feel this until the next month.

For 4 months the child will acquire a fluff - Lanugo. It protects the fetus by retaining the waxy substance. For the remainder of the term, the lagoon will replace ordinary gun hair. Now there are hair on the head: eyelashes and eyebrows. Nails start to form.

The child actively urinates in amniotic fluid, but urine is not the main component of these waters. How they are formed - scientists are still not clear. But some studies show that water produces a fetal bladder. Every 2. 5 hours of water are updated, because of what they remain sterile and their composition does not change. Such a habitat helps protect the child from external factors of influence, allows free movement and has an important role in the metabolism. As soon as the baby draws water into the lungs and exhales them back, he learns to breathe.

During this period, boys form prostate, and girls have ovaries. Often, when using ultrasound can learn the sex of the child. However, not all mothers manage to do this on such a date. The formation of the child's face continues: the ears begin to rise to a specific place. The fetus reacts to different sounds. By the end of the month the baby can distinguish color, the retina becomes much more sensitive.

The child grows from 11 to 19 cm, and the weight can reach 200 g.

Mental state of mothers.

Most women say that they were able to realize the appearance of a child only at the turn of 3 and 4 months of pregnancy, as soon as the main problems of "such a situation". And here there is nothing surprising - this period will cause joy and pleasure. Thanks to this influx of optimism, Mom will be able to cope with many difficulties, without using medicines.


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