Celery, parsley and wine protect against the appearance of blood cancer

26 April 2017, 01:24 | Health
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If you regularly eat celery, parsley, red wine and tomatoes, you can reduce the risk of blood cancer, according to Dutch scientists from the University of Groningen.

The useful properties of these products are the content of apigenin flavonoid. Flavonoids - natural antioxidants, which are rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, scientists explained. In the course of the study, experts found that apigenin, an integral component of fruits and vegetables, can stop the growth of cancer cells and even destroy them.

However, the authors of the work warn that use of apigenin should be avoided by those patients who have already been diagnosed with leukemia and who undergo chemotherapy.

Scientists have found that this flavonoid produces in the body resistance to drugs that are used to treat cancer. Previously, researchers have shown that regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables containing apigenin also protects women from the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Medicinform. Net.

Based on materials: medicinform.net

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