Chocolate and wine will save the heart and prolong life

26 April 2017, 00:26 | Health
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A group of Australian physicians at the University of Monash Research Center in Melbourne, as well as their colleagues in Holland, concluded that regular consumption of chocolate and wine, of course, in moderation, significantly reduces the risk of cardiac diseases.

In addition, it also contributes to an increase in life expectancy by 5-6 years.

However, scientists note, to the daily diet should also be added fruits, vegetables, fish, almonds and garlic, so that the human heart functions like a clock without experiencing overloads and other undesirable phenomena.

According to Anna Peters, the head of the project, full nutrition is no less effective than the multivitamins recommended by doctors.

At the same time, a strict diet is not necessary, the main thing is that there are seven "magic ingredients".

In addition, their natural intake is much more preferable than the use of pharmacological drugs. Comprehensive studies have shown that natural foods are fully absorbed by the body and help strengthen the immune system.

In addition to increasing resistance to cardiac diseases, they also prolong the active phase of life, increasing it by six years for men, and five years for women.

Medicus. En.


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