If relatives live together, then over time their body mass index becomes the same

20 April 2017, 20:06 | Health
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If you are overweight, blame your children's environment. As shown by the study of the University of Newcastle, people who surround you in childhood, affect the appearance later, writes The Times of India.

Scientists compared the weight of 236 pairs of adolescent siblings who live together, and 838 pairs of adult relatives who do not live together. In both groups, the body mass index eventually became more and more similar.

It turned out that factors like heredity and the generality of upbringing explained similar indices in the Index for both relatives who lived together. According to specialists in the person of Heather Brown, the behavior formed in childhood is transferred to the adult period of life.

In the course of the study, factors that changed over time, such as friends and exercise opportunities, were found to explain the similarity in the body mass index only for siblings who are in adolescence.

News. Gradusnik. En.

Based on materials: news.gradusnik.ru

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