Several ways to lower blood cholesterol

20 April 2017, 20:04 | Health
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Diseases of the cardiovascular system today are the most mass killers in the world. The causes of their occurrence may be different, but very often the whole fault is the high cholesterol level in the blood, in the presence of which cholesterol drops are formed, which subsequently lead to blood clots and blood clots, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. Net Than it can end not a secret, however all this at presence of due desire it is possible to avoid. Here are a few simple ways to lower blood cholesterol:.

Exercise - as a result of one study, people who were practically on the verge of a heart attack began to exercise with small loads under the supervision of doctors. As a result of such therapy, the risk of heart attack decreased by an average of 25% in just a couple of months.

Statins are compounds that are contained in a number of specialized medications. According to the data available to physicians, the course of taking such medications will help to reduce the so-called bad cholesterol in your blood by an average of 50%. However, scientists advise in most cases to choose in favor of more natural methods of lowering cholesterol.

Dietary fiber is a relatively cheap, simple and affordable way. Dietary fiber contains many vegetables and fruits, as well as some flakes. Regular consumption of them in food will help reduce blood cholesterol by 5% - a relatively small figure, but the benefits of using dietary fiber in general for the body is known to be quite extensive.

Low-fat foods - but proper nutrition helps lower cholesterol by 20%.

Here everything is very simple - you should give up things like red meat and French fries, and switch to different types of fish and chicken.

Fibrates - special preparations containing fenofibrate and gemfibrozil help reduce blood cholesterol levels from 25% to 50%, which is a very significant indicator. As in the case of statins, using them too often is not recommended, although immediate health problems do not take them into use and do not entail.

News. Gradusnik. En.


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