How to choose a heart rate monitor

20 April 2017, 15:59 | Health
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Regardless of your experience in sports, whether you are a beginner or a professional athlete, an indispensable attribute of your workouts is a heart rate monitor. This indicator helps to monitor the effectiveness and accuracy of physical activity. To properly select a monitor, you should know some principles and features of its operation.

In simple words, the heart rate monitor is an electronic device that measures the purity of heartbeats (or heartbeats) in beats per minute. Thanks to this information, you will be able to assess the workout load. For monitoring, the kit includes a chest strap with electrodes and the monitor itself, which looks like a wristwatch. Signals from the heart to the monitor are transmitted by the chest sensor, in the instrument they are analyzed and the results are displayed on the monitor display.

What type of monitor should I choose? In the model series there are simple models for beginners, as well as professional ones, which have many complex functions. Some monitors have the functions of calculating the calories consumed, as well as the alarm function (an audible signal is given), which is activated when the lower and upper boundaries of the individual pulse corridor are disturbed.

The most popular of the basic monitors is the model Polar FS1, which is equipped with the function of recording the time of training and the average heart rate for training.

A more advanced model is the Polar F11 monitor, which itself develops a training program and determines your personal fitness level. Also Polar F11 counts the number of calories consumed during training, and the percentage of fat stores.

An important part of the cardiac monitor is the Polar WearLink Coded Transmitter, which is made of cloth, and its electrodes are the finest metallized filaments.

Additional functions of professional monitors:.

- determination of personal fitness level;.

- maximum oxygen consumption;.

- details of training information;.

- use of GPS-navigation to determine the distance of the route and the speed of movement.

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