Admission HRT helps to reduce symptoms of menopause

20 April 2017, 13:11 | Health
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Australian researchers conducted an analysis of literature data on the risk assessment and benefits of taking hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women.

It was shown that approximately 20% of Australian women had severe climacteric syndrome. The appointment of HRT made it possible to effectively stop its manifestations. Scientists found that women in the transition period still have risks when taking HRT, although they are small.

According to the latest literature data, the effectiveness of preventing certain diseases with HRT is limited, which is explained by the large lack of available evidence of positive properties in comparison with the studied possible side effects. This fact is explained by the lack of literature data on animal experiments, observational studies and multicenter studies focusing on the end points. In addition, in the history of HRT, a major role is played by lifestyle changes.

Medicus. En.


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