Folk remedies for teeth

20 April 2017, 12:13 | Health
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Despite the development of modern dentistry, traditional medicine in the treatment of teeth is still used today. These methods, naturally, are softer, but some of them are really quite effective. In most cases, folk dentistry is reduced solely to pain relief. The cause can be eliminated only by a professional dentist.

Below are listed the main folk remedies that are available in everyday life and allow you to eliminate acute toothache:.

- Vodka. She can rinse her mouth or hold her cheek from the side where the sick tooth is.

- Nettle or oregano. Used tincture on alcohol from these herbs. To eliminate toothache to the tooth, it is necessary to attach a cotton wool, previously moistened in a solution.

- Valerian. To remove the toothache, you can chew the leaves of the plant.

- Beets. It is recommended to put on a sick tooth a piece of purified raw beet.

- Bow. It is necessary to cut it finely, put it in bandage or gauze and attach it to the ear, which is opposite to the side where the tooth hurts.

- Turnip. Vegetable chop, pour boiling water (one small turnip size for one glass of water), cook for 15 minutes, lightly cool and rinse your mouth with the resulting broth.

- Buds of birch. 25 grams of birch buds pour 100 ml of alcohol, insist for 8 days. Vatka, moistened in solution, apply to a sick tooth.

If you have a cyst, folk remedies are not recommended. As a rule, it is advised to apply hot or warm compresses. However, dentists warn that this can lead to the formation of pus and its release outside.

Rid of you from bad breath from mouth rinse with infusions of boiling water plants such as wormwood, periwinkle, plantain, root turnips. It is also recommended for the prevention of various diseases of the gums and teeth.

Happywoman. Com. Ua.

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