The peas were found proteins that help with hypertension and kidney disease

20 April 2017, 11:17 | Health
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The peas were found proteins that help with hypertension and kidney disease.

Proteins contained in ordinary garden peas, can serve as a food supplement to combat high blood pressure and chronic kidney failure - two life-threatening conditions that affect the health of millions of people around the world, as the Internet publication for girls and women 14 to 35 years Pannochka. Pea net scientists have long been recognized as a useful product with an optimum amount of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, and low concentrations of fat and cholesterol. Experts at the University of Manitoba / Canada / found that proteins in peas allow delay or prevent kidney damage and maintain blood pressure is normal. Hypertension and kidney disease are interrelated, since high blood pressure is a major risk factor for chronic renal dysfunction, and people with kidney disorders die in most cases of cardiovascular complications, explained experts. Renal failure is difficult to treat, and the progression of the disease leads to kidney dialysis or organ transplant.

In the experiment, biologists fed small daily dose of the protein mixture of pea laboratory rats. At the end of the 8 week study by extracting pea it was reported a 20 percent reduction in pressure and urine output and toxins within normal levels.

The doctors added that did not notice any adverse side effects from taking the pea protein. Based on the encouraging results, doctors are planning next year to test the effect of peas on the human body. Clinicians do not know exactly what is the positive effect of the composition of pea, but it has been found that the extract from the reception of this legume in the body increased production of a protein COX-1, which stimulates kidney function.

inf. vkurse. ua.

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