Why orthopedic mattresses are needed

20 April 2017, 08:14 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Orthopedic mattresses are designed to keep the spine in a physiologically correct form.

It is known that a physiologically correct shape of the spine involves several bends, when viewed in profile spine. If you look at the spine in front or behind, he must submit to the norm of a straight line.

Maintain physiologically correct shape of the spine helps muscles. But it occurs during the waking, when we sleep, and relax muscles, helping the spine should Mattress.

Doctors orthopedic ascertain more widespread diseases of the spine, which began to develop almost from childhood. That's why you need to purchase memory foam mattresses - it will provide a more comfortable environment for sleep with existing diseases of the spine and will serve for the prevention of their development.

In recent years, sales of orthopedic products and products for the bedroom has become increasingly popular. This includes furniture, such as beds with orthopedic gratings, and products for sleep and rest, including mattresses and pillows.

Choose a mattress should be after consultation with the doctor. The aim of the orthopedic mattress is to preserve the core of the spine bends and keeping it relatively straight when viewed from the front.

For a long time, it was thought that the mattress must be tough, but experts have proved that it is wrong.

Hard mattress is recommended as a remedy for certain pathologies of the spine and other diseases, the doctor diagnosed.

However, if you prefer to sleep on your side, you need a comfortable mattress with medium hardness or soft. Then the shoulders and hips are slightly pritopleny and lower back will maintain independent spring orthopedic mattress.

If the situation in the spring back will be a good support for the spine, and it can help to significantly reduce back pain, and thus improve the quality of your life.

inf. 31med. ru.


Based on materials: 31med.ru

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