Zone of close attention

20 April 2017, 03:16 | Health
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Chest and decollete area is a unique decoration of a woman that evokes admiring glances from others. The shape and size of the breast are determined by genetic parameters. Therefore, promises to radically change the shape and size of the breast without surgical intervention with the help of one cosmetics are groundless. However, it is quite possible to improve the situation with the appearance of the breast.

First of all, this can really be done through training, which exerts a beneficial effect on the appearance of the bust. Note that the common belief that the breast hangs solely because of the weakness of the pectoral muscles, does not correspond to the truth. The fact is that the breast itself does not have supportive musculature. It consists of adipose and connective tissue, as well as glands encased in the skin. The elasticity of the latter determines much. The tighter and harder the "natural frame", the more attractive the bust.

Secondly, it is very important to take care of the integrity of the fibers of elastin and collagen - these are the "natural springs" of the skin. For this, it is recommended to use extracts of seaweed and unrefined oils (for example, grape seed oil), use vitamin preparations. If a woman has a desire to adjust the shape of her breasts, make it more elastic, then you need to get advice from a mammalian doctor.

He will most likely recommend a delicate massage. And thirdly, it is necessary to pay more attention to the contrasting soul, peeling and daily apply a cream specially designed for breast care.

When to begin caring for the breast Care for the area of ??the neck and chest should start much earlier than the skin will lose elasticity. Once the breast is formed, it is necessary to pay attention to the most simple preventive procedures.

Happywoman. Com. Ua.


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