Age of woman and modern reproductive technologies

20 April 2017, 03:15 | Health
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One of the signs of our time is the rapid development of reproductive technologies that allow a woman to become a mother even in cases when "Nature" does not "want" it herself. Today, it is no longer a rare situation when a woman for the sake of a career neglects the opportunity to become a mother at the most favorable time between twenty and thirty years of age.

Only by approaching the magpies and acquiring not only weight in society, but also various diseases the woman "remembers" that her main purpose is to prolong the human race. But if cosmetic surgery works wonders, then it is very rare to deceive the internal biological clock.

According to the CDC data, women under 35 years of age have modern reproductive technologies capable of producing a live child from their own ovule in 37% of cases. Among women 35-37 years, the probability of success drops to 31%, 38-40 years to 21%, 41-42 to 11% and after 42 years to 4%.

In those cases when a foreign (donor) egg is implanted in a woman's body, which is usually taken from a young woman, the probability of a live birth reaches 50% of cases. In this case, the probability of success does not depend on the age of the woman whose uterus was implanted with a donor egg.

The most commonly used reproductive technology is the so-called in vitro fertilization, in which the spermatozoon is fused with the egg in the laboratory, after which the embryo can both fit into the womb of the woman and be frozen in order to perform implantation at another time. It should be remembered that the probability of success with the implantation of a fresh embryo into the uterus is 35%, while the "frozen" only 24%.

Medicus. En.


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