These drugs increase the risk of developing bowel cancer

20 April 2017, 03:15 | Health
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According to experts, taking antibiotics carries with it both short-term and long-term health risks. The latter may not appear for a long time after the patient has stopped taking potent drugs. The main disadvantage of antibiotics is their mechanism of action: the destruction of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which can lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors.

"When you take antibiotics, the bacteria that cause the infection begin to be ruthlessly destroyed. Unfortunately, all the other bacteria that make up your microbium also die.

This can lead to life-threatening consequences, "scientists explain..

Studies conducted last year showed that people with less bacterial diversity in the gastrointestinal tract are more likely to develop colon cancer. According to experts, changing the microbioma under the influence of antibiotics reduces the resistance of the intestine to bacteria that can increase the risk of developing precancerous tumors in the large intestine, known as polyps.

Source: News Yu.


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