Hazardous to health combinations of products

20 April 2017, 03:15 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Nutritionists have named combinations of foods that should be avoided so as not to harm the body.

In particular, you can not combine tomatoes and cheese. Also under the ban were beef and white dry wine, since such wine should be consumed only with fish. According to Ura. Ru, dietitians recommend eating dishes from beef, pork or game in general without alcohol, as this "kills" the liver.

Another incompatible pair of scientists called whiskey and Coca-Cola, as carbon dioxide, getting into the blood, facilitates the rapid absorption of ethyl alcohol. Also, do not combine potatoes and eggs, tea and pastries.

"Days. Ru "informs that nutritionists recommend drinking milk and eating melon separately from all products.

Source: News Yu.


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