5 incredible properties of laurel oil for our health

20 April 2017, 03:15 | Health
photo NeBoley.com.ua
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Lava oil is an excellent product that should always be kept at hand. Lava oil has antiseptic and analgesic properties, and it is also a powerful natural antibiotic.

Experts told how to make this oil yourself. Their advice leads to health info with a link to steptohealth. En. You will always have an inexpensive multifunctional tool in your house, the history of which is thousands of years old.

The ancient Greeks and Romans considered the laurel to be a gift of the gods and a plant of the victors to whom they could rightfully dispose.

5 useful properties of laurel oil Laurus helps us relax, relieves stress and frees the mind and body from stress.

Also, bay leaf improves the taste of ready meals.

Add it to meat dishes, soups, stews and sauces.

Promotes relaxation of muscles. Bay oil reduces blood vessels, shortens and relaxes muscles with nerve impulses, and improves blood circulation.

Lava oil is very useful for migraines.

If you suffer from pain in the neck or shoulders, try to do a relaxing massage with this oil.

Lowers the temperature If you suffer from flu or cold, be sure to make steam baths or hot compresses with laurel oil.

Lava oil fights with infectious agents that cause colds.

In addition, it regulates body temperature and promotes perspiration.

Excellent antibiotic Lava oil has a pronounced antibiotic properties. It blocks the multiplication of pathogens, bacteria and fungi.

Lava oil can be used to disinfect small wounds, cuts, burns and abrasions.

It does not give side effects, and it is useful to have a home for everyone who has small children who constantly go around in bruises and bruises.

Lava oil is beneficial for the skin. This oil is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it also takes care of the health of our skin.

Do not forget about all its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that keep the skin clean and free of toxins and prevent premature aging and damage to the epidermis.

Promotes hair growth Lava oil is an excellent natural anti-dandruff agent that stimulates the scalp circulation and improves hair health by stimulating their growth.

It was also used from time to time to destroy lice.

How to make laurel oil by yourself?.

You will need: 1, 5 tablespoons laurel leaf (15 g), 1 cup almond oil (200 g).

Kitchen accessories: 1 glass jar with a capacity of 200 ml.

Cooking method:.

Prepare a laurel oil home is easy.

Just be patient. When you cook it, you will need to wait 40 days until it ripens.

Wash and sterilize the glass jar thoroughly.

Make sure that the laurel leaves are clean, there is no dust or debris on them.

Put the leaves in a jar and fill them with almond oil.

Close the sealed lid and leave to infuse for 40 days.

Healthinfo. Ua.


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