Minister of Education warned Ukrainians against admission to foreign universities

04 July 2018, 17:08 | Science and Health
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Parents of applicants to foreign universities should carefully study information about universities where they send their children to study. Otherwise, the child can remain without a quality recognized education, said Education Minister Lilia Grinevich on the air of the channel 1 + 1.

They noted that some universities, for example in Poland, at the expense of Ukrainians compensate for the shortage of students in the quota.

In some cases, Grinevich is convinced, a child may not receive a quality and recognized education.

"Sometimes tempting and not very high prices, good conditions and that do not make any examinations, can result in your child not receiving a quality recognized education," the minister said..

On July 2, registration of electronic offices started, through which applicants will apply for admission to Ukrainian universities.

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