Scientists have named the best remedy for depression

27 April 2018, 11:45 | Science and Health
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Scientists as a result of research have found out, what means more than others helps from depression.

In particular, we are talking about physical activity. It is able to prevent the development of depression, which is proved by the results of the experiment, the correspondent reports with reference to EurekAlert.

So, scientists have analyzed the results of 49 previous observations, in which 266,939 mentally healthy patients. 47% of questionnaires belonged to men. The average monitoring period was 7.4 years. During the observation, factors such as body weight, the presence of bad habits and general physical data were taken into account.

Physicians found that participants with higher levels of physical activity are less likely to develop depression. The findings are applicable to study participants regardless of their age or geographical location.

Now, according to scientists, new data should promote the popularization of a healthy lifestyle. Experts also plan to analyze the impact of various sports on the likelihood of developing depression and determine the level of activity required.

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