Britain and the United States accused Russia of trying to break into network equipment

17 April 2018, 10:15 | Science and Health
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The hackers, directed by the Russian authorities, are actively trying to hijack key Internet infrastructure facilities, the US and British security services reported simultaneously. This is reported by the BBC.

The Center for National Computer Security of Great Britain, the FBI and the US Department of Homeland Security issued a joint statement in which they announced the ongoing global hacker campaign.

They described what methods computer crackers use to gain control of network equipment-such as, for example, Internet routers.

In the future, this can be used to conduct cyber attacks, the statement says..

At a press conference in the White House, the cybersecurity coordinator Rob Joyce said that the United States and its allies believe with high confidence that Russia is conducting a large-scale hacker campaign.

According to the collected intelligence of the United States and Britain, the goal of hackers were millions of devices whose purpose is data routing on the Internet.

Hacked devices were used to monitor the information that passed through them, said Joyce. Also, cybercriminals tried to hack network protection and systems for detecting hacker attacks.

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