Kodak released a miniature instant camera

08 December 2017, 21:56 | Science and Health
photo glavnoe.ua
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Company Kodak has presented a new camera Mini Shot, which is able to instantly print small pictures the size of a bank card. The device is equipped with a matrix with a resolution of 10 megapixels and 1.7-inch display, allowing you to view the resulting images.

Before printing photos, you can pre-process them or transfer them to other devices using the built-in Bluetooth module. "Now we are seeing a strong revival in terms of instant printing cameras," says Kodak CEO Jeff Clarke. - Kodak Mini Shot - these are just the first steps of our project to bring new products to this market. We welcome the growing variety of instant printing devices and intend to continue investing in this segment ". Kodak Mini Shot will be sold in three colors - black, white and yellow. A device costs only about $ 100, notes birdinflight.

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