Voenekspert called the biggest plus of hypersonic weapons

28 November 2017, 10:47 | Science and Health
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On the inclusion in the new state arms program of the Russian Federation plans to develop hypersonic weapons, said Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov. But we must understand that the "development plans" and the availability of such weapons are two big differences. In fact, the same deputy minister immediately made a reservation, saying that such weapons "may appear in the coming decades". And then give any forecasts for such a long-term perspective - a thankless task. So far, there is simply nothing to talk about - we have only one official statement from the category "but in the future. "and no specifics, wrote on the Observer military expert Maxim Glushchenko.

As for the military's interest in hypersonic weapons, it is quite understandable. The possessor, for example, of hypersonic rockets receives an absolute advantage to date. In addition to the incredible speed, many times exceeding the speed of sound, such weapons have the biggest plus - it (for today) does not see a radar system. That is, there is an opportunity in the shortest possible time to destroy the infrastructure, the most important enemy facilities, without incurring any losses.

In theory, of course, many countries with serious military capabilities can develop fundamentally new weapons and create prototypes. Here you can recall the "laser" program. For example, this summer, CNN reported "the world's first active use of laser weapons" by the US Navy, when a complex worth 40 million. dollars, installed on board the ship, hit a flying drones. In Russia they say they are working on installing a combat laser for a new MiG-35, which should go to the series after 2019.

Works in this area and China, which showed the laser complex Silent Hunter, which disables engine engines, as well as a land mobile complex based on a conventional military truck with a laser gun to destroy drones and helicopters.

All this is so far only individual samples that are only being "run-in". And this despite the fact that active development of laser weapons in the US (most likely, and others) began as far back as the 1970s! This is a vivid example of how long the path from the idea to its actual embodiment, if we are talking about weapons of a fundamentally new type.

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