The appearance of craters in Siberia threatens in the future with global catastrophes

11 August 2017, 06:29 | Science and Health
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The melting of permafrost in Siberia is accompanied by the appearance of mysterious craters, reports sundaynews.

As noted by climatologists, the last time the permafrost melted about 130 thousand years ago. The melting that was taking place during that period lasted for several thousand years. Now the melting is much faster - for several decades or centuries.

Under normal conditions, permafrost regulates the amount of carbon released from the combustion of fossil fuels, taking and retaining most of it. Volumes of released carbon affect the rate of warming of our planet's climate in the future.

Since 2014, several large funnels have been found, one of which has a diameter of more than 50 feet.

There are several hypotheses for the formation of these funnels. All hypotheses, one way or another, are associated with an increase in temperature in the region.

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