Water temperature in the Black Sea. Experts made an unexpected statement

11 August 2017, 05:39 | Science and Health
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This year, Odessa's water is super-cold. Usually the water in June is already warm, and in the middle of the summer, it happens - it's cold. This is due to the diversion - the wind from the shore "pushes out" warm water, and in its place comes water from the seabed at a temperature of no higher than 10 degrees.

By the beginning of July-2017, the water in the sea had just begun to warm up, and then, only a few degrees. Such circumstances make us recall the pessimistic forecasts of a decade ago, prophesied us unfit for bathing the Black Sea.

The situation with water temperature - in fact, frightens the holidaymaker. According to the Meteopost site, the water temperature in the Odessa region exceeded the 20-degree boundary at the end of June - 29th and lasted about a week. And then - again sank. Therefore, we propose to understand what happened to the Black Sea water?.

What did they predict 10 years ago and what is the reason for this?.

10 years ago it was a question of the global cooling of the Black Sea. According to the expert, the former head of the marine department of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute Yury Ilyin, "the withdrawal, in particular near Odessa, is observed with winds coming from the west, north, north-west, sometimes even in the south-western. This is typical for June - early July. In a strong wind, the warmed layer is distilled and in its place comes the bottom waters. While these cold waters will not warm up for several hot days, there will be cold water. If the wind is not very strong, 4 - 5 m / s, but steady - within 24 hours, there may also be a diversion. A long and strong wind can even "cool" the sea for half a century ".

Despite the weather cutting for June 2017, we see the winds were strong enough - about 8 meters per second, and sometimes there were gusts up to 15-20 m / s. So, we can conclude: the water is cold precisely through a diversion, and not through that "global".

Allows the weather and water temperature to be considered an anomalous 2017 year?.

But, one way or another, the low temperature of water spoils the nerves of holidaymakers. Bathe in 10-degree water, you see, extreme "entertainment".

But residents of the Odessa region have already become accustomed to the low temperature of sea water. Our expert Yuri Ilyin believes that it is not yet possible to say whether the year 2017 is anomalous. According to him, "such conclusions can only be made after the end" of the season, when there will be information. Now "by sight" we can say that years like 2017 have already happened - both in the Crimea and on the North-West coast of the Black Sea ".

Source: vedomosti. Od. Ua.

Based on materials: Ведомости

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