The sisters of Kichenok reached the finals of the "

31 January 2025, 23:00 | tennis
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A pair of sisters began with the exchange of brands, and by the middle of Seth once again gave her own submission to Anna Danilina and Irina Khromacheva. However, in the seventh Game Lyudmila and Nadezhda Kichenok again designed a break and now did not give the rivals the opportunity to recoup.

The second batch of struggle did not work. Capes' sisters just crushed opponents. Seth lasted only 28 minutes, and during this time the duet Kichenok did not give a single game. Danilin with Khromacheva resisted only in the last, but after three played matchballs failed.

Rivals of domestic tennis players in the final will be determined on Saturday, February 1. For a ticket to the decisive duel, a couple of Czechs of Katarzhina Sinyakova and Zhang Shuai from China will fight and the Hungarians Timea Bobosh with Brazilian tennis players Louise Stefani blow.

UPPER AUSTRIA LADIS LINZ Four Dissage, 1/2 finals Lyudmila Kichenok/Nadezhda Kichenok (Ukraine/Ukraine) - Anna Danilina/Irina Kromacheva (Kazakhstan/Neutr. ) - 6: 4, 6: 0.

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