The head coach of Bournmuta Andoni Iraol was pushed by the pico pirol 3-matchevoy discvalifіkatsya central zahisnik Illi Zamyryny.
Burning Breaking Chervon Card in the home match of Volvergempton (0: 1) at the 26th Touri Premier League-2024/25. In the offensive, the cucumber of the Chemonata, the Yaki took place at Viyzdi, the " Kolektiv Iraoli Takiv Vibiv Wulves 1/8 Fyl Cup of Angli on the sovereign Poli (1: 1, Seria Pen.
- 5: 4).
" The team of good pratsuloval without nyo, Ale Mati is such a gravian, yak of a bastard, Zavdi admitted. I am stubbornly stumble, for the nyoye boula in the lamchyk, the yak vin call it, I will not be rejected, I picked yoma on the cinnamon, ” - quotes Kermanich Bournmut Office Club website.
On the Rakhunk 22-risk Ukrainian fate in 28 matches (VSI-at the starting stock).
Tomorrow, 15 birch, " POSHDINKING ON THE 19:30 FOR KIVE.