ATTLEK - Roma: Tsikavі Warranty bets for the match liki єvropy

Today, 18:31 | Football
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Rospovіda, put in the warto in the Tsiy Gri.

At the framework of the match-v. 1/8 fіnalo play-shi єvropa Uffa-2024/25 athletics Primatim Roma (Persha Zustych-1: 2).

Vidnoku on the quarters, 13 birch, on Estadio de San Mamamani. Superior - About 19:45 for the Kyiva hour.

For the versions of the bookmakers, the favorites of the rejection of.

So, I can put it on the athlete to put it with Khefizynt 2. 00.. 35. The izhirnisty of the Nichical result is presented? Cohefitsyt 3. 65.

Prokhid іppansky before the adventure herd to 2. 41, and izhaliytsiv - in 1. 61.

The same on the pusk?

It is possible to put it on the wart " 82.

Cohefitsynt 2. 80 Ottsiyniki Satya Voril at Vikonannі Artem Dovbik.

Takomzh, the scenarii " On the nyo can be set by the firing 2. 33.

Slice for the athlete - Roma on Football. UA.

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