Kermanich Karpat Uzyav fate at the Preservation of Pislya.
The head coach of the Lviv Carpathians Vladislav Lupashko gave the Commentary of the PISLIL POLYKU 21st Tour UPL-2024/25.
Karpati - Shakhtar 0: 0 Video nykrachi moment Ta looked around the match 11. 03. 2025 " Lupashko gave the bloom of the Vistuup of their own pidopychny, and such.
" At Nashom Rosuminni by the psychology of the Ukrainian football player, Treba is radically serpentine. For this, Shchob Vіn Rosumiv, Sho Pershi to Ostannoi Khvvinini Vin May Pracyuvati. If they robbed a bucket of Pivroku, then the bots were snapped in the murmur, post-one Grati smiled. Mi, Bagato momente the moment, p.. They showed the Ters football players I said, the same as I was so looking at Maybutn. If we are important to the lean of the ball, if it is a prostir. Misunli Shakhlitar for ten meters of Nizhge VID LINIї. Mi took the great Prostir behind our backs at the last matches. Praitsevati repulsed. Shakhutar Zmushuvuvuvu Vidditi to the middle of the field with his own dii, the merit is merit. Milk mi showed, they do not bouti. Mi could be bilsh with aggressive, yakby was blinking Brunnyo Z Grig. Gravets, Yaki Bi Viishov, Buv Bilsh Dinamichny I National Nazi on Vidbir M'yacha. Brunnyo Daє Suttєva Riznitsu on M'yachi. Before the match, I have been frightened, chi nursing a peb. VIN VIDPOVIV, ShO VON BULA KATASTOPHYNA. Mi yogo todi deputy. I said yoma, pu, the tune of a dungeon is a leap. Brunnyo - one of the huts of the Brazilian football play in the UPL. Slogging yogo, mi Mali Bilsha pragmatic. One mi hotly Daruvati to beauty that yakist Roboti on m'yachi at Yogo Vikonannі. Vin Bagato Rosіngnav attacks І.
RIVEN of JUSTICTION in Ukrainian Dazhe Viris. I feel Bagato Narikan. I must say honestly, Shi є Shchelka Suddiv, yaki I want to post a whistle і zbivati \u200b\u200bpace. ONE BILSHIST ARBITRIV DAY GRUTI. I am TIKS Tsomom. I am a engraving at football, I know if you get over at a whistle, penalty. Ozepa Tsooye Men.
Chi thaw of Karpati Nikiyu? Ts Dusty Zagalne Pannnya. Nashom Rosuminni Karpati - Tse Fanati, in Bolivniki, Club, Team, Duzhe Bagato Date. I do not want to vіdpov.. Specifically, the coaching staff of Timi Timi, if they looked in in Maybutn. Mi can be waisted, tsist to us great a barking at Maybutnoom. Mi ate on the etapi formulant sentence, yak wake the smile. Tsomom Mi Tishimos "
At the offensive TourI UPL, 30 birch, Lviv club Primatima Desykky Chornomoret.