Palinya is not planned to get Bavaria

Yesterday, 07:34 | Football
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Popri Warehouse Start by Munich, Portuguese Pigeschik Pragne to bring his significance.

Central PIVZAHISHISKHY JoAu Palvoya Dosіg Navonisuvati for himself at the warehouse of Munich Bavaria, through the low nozzle of Pisly, his own transfer of Fulghema Fulgham 2024 FOR BILSH 50 MILIONIV.

Um, Yak Polodomlya magazine Florian Pletenberg, 29-rib Portuguese not lowering hands, I do not plan to leave the club at the Maybutni transfer transfer. Vin slanting wrestled for the Miss in the team He Grace Troferi.

The same time, the yak of the gang, is not the Bavaria, the collapse of the engrave is not a viclicious yogo snake to the club. ONE ONIKA HODEN INSH INSH WITHERS WILL NOT WHAT, AND MUNCHENTSI NOT MOUSE YOUCH SALE.

Slowing contract JoAu Palini Zvoyu ottivata 2028 Rock. Portal Transfermarkt Ottsian Yogo at 40 Milioniv єvro.

At the Furnal season, Portugal Havbek Proviv for Munich Lishha 786 Hwilin in 18 matches at all the Turnir, in the Yaki VIN, having groomed alone.

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